CLOTHES: 24 Hour Chapbook Challenge III
Released 7th October 2022
For a while now, I’ve been taking photos of lost clothing. A rain-soaked hoodie. A glove separated from its twin. A hat, perhaps blown off in the wind. Inexplicably misplaced shoes. All these things interest me – how there got there, who was their owner, what were they doing? There’s an unknown poetry behind each lost object, that forced me to stop in the street for a closer look, to stand in traffic while securing a close enough shot. I’m not sure what originally drew me to catalogue such images of loss, but it’s seemed fitting that this would be the prompt for the third twenty-four-hour chapbook challenge. Participants receive a one-word prompt, ‘clothes’, and an image (the original photo of the cover image, a lost red hoodie hung up on a wire fence near a college). In the space of twenty-four hours, poems are written, emailed back, collated, edited, and presented as you find them now. Many thanks as always to all the participants poets, and happy reading. Colin Dardis, Editor.